A home inspection is part of the path to making a more informed home purchase decision. It is intended to provide peace of mind by offering a technical review of the home. This review usually entails a VISUAL INSPECTION of the major systems and their components, as defined by the enclosed Standards of Practice. A home inspection can help you gain a better understanding of the home, but it is not magic. It is a snapshot of the condition of the home today. Things can, and do, change and a home inspection will not stop those changes from occurring. You are advised to read and understand the written report before you make your final purchase decision.
The client agrees that the inspection to be performed by the inspector is subject to the following terms:
1. VISUAL INSPECTION: The inspection is a visual inspection only of the readily accessible features of the Property. The report to be provided to the Client documents the inspector’s examination of the Property based on that visual inspection. The inspector will not conduct any invasive or destructive testing of the Property. Your inspector will not be able to report on the homes hidden defects due to the limitations of a visual inspection.
2. STANDARDS OF PRACTICE: The inspection will be performed in accordance with industry accepted Standards of Practice. The Client acknowledges having had the opportunity to review and understands the Standards of Practice, which are located herein after the Contract/Receipt.
3. INSPECTION NOT EXHAUSTIVE: The inspection is not technically exhaustive and all encompassing. The client acknowledges that, as a result of the limitations of a visual inspection, some detectable deficiencies may go unnoted in the inspection report. The client accepts these limitations. The inspector is a generalist, not a specialist in all disciplines, and may refer the client to specialist(s) for further evaluation of certain items. The Client acknowledges that there may be problems with the Property which will not be apparent from a visual inspection.
4. NOT BUILDING CODE OR BY-LAW COMPLIANCE INSPECTION: The inspection to be completed is not a Building Code or By-Law compliance inspection. The Client acknowledges that it may be necessary to confer directly with authorities to confirm whether the Property meets Building Code or By-Law requirements.
5. MAJOR PROBLEMS: The goal of the inspection is to identify existing major problems that are apparent on a visual inspection of the property. A listing of minor building flaws or minor repairs and maintenance items will not be provided, except as a courtesy, at the inspector’s discretion.
6. COST ESTIMATES: Cost Estimates provided in the Inspection Report are minimum only and they are intended to be guideline figures. They are based on the most cost effective solution to address the problem and will not include betterment. The inspector is not responsible for the cost of replacement or repair. It is recommended that the client obtain at least three cost estimates from qualified specialists before finalizing budgets for any work.
7. ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERNS: The inspection will NOT address environmental concerns including, but not limited to: UFFI, air quality, water quality/quantity, sealed/underground fuel storage tanks, asbestos, radon gas, moulds, toxins, carcinogens etc. The inspection report will also NOT address infestation by wood boring insects, rodents or other vermin. The client acknowledges that it may be necessary for the client to retain specialists in such areas to identify and evaluate these types of risks.
8. NO GUARANTEES OR ASSUMPTION OF RISK: A home inspection is an information service. As such, the inspection and the inspection report are not a guarantee, warranty or insurance policy regarding the physical state of
the Property or the current or future adequacy, performance or condition of the property. The inspector will not assume any risk in connection with this home’s condition, deficiencies, performance, or lack thereof. Legal liability is limited in amount to the fee paid for this inspection. The inspector/inspection firm reserves the right to review/inspect any items that may be the subject of a dispute prior to any repairs/alterations being made.
You Are Strongly Encouraged To Ask Questions If Anything At All Is Unclear To You.
Inspection Adress:_______________________________________ Date:____________________
Client(s) Name(s): Mailing Address:_______________________________
Apt. #_____________________________
City/Town:_______________________________ Phone #: Home___________
Postal Code:______________________________
Business #:_______________________________
E-Mail Address:_____________________________
I/we, the above named client(s) request an inspection of the inspection address noted above. The inspection is to be performed by the below noted inspector/inspection firm in accordance with industry accepted Standards of Practice.
It is important for the client(s) to understand that the inspection report is based on the limited visual inspection of the readily accessible aspects of the building. The report is representative of the inspector’s opinion of the observable conditions on the day of the inspection. While this inspection may reduce your risks of home ownership, it is not an insurance policy, warranty or guarantee on the home. Neither the inspector nor the inspection firm will assume any risks related to this home’s future performance, or lack thereof This report is for the exclusive use of the contracted parties and may not be used by third parties without the prior written permission from the inspector/inspection firm.
I/we have read, understand and accept the terms & conditions as outlined here and on the page opposite this contract entitled “What You Should Expect From Your Inspection”. I/we also understand that legal liability of the inspector, the company and its agents for damages, arising from action or inaction, however caused, is limited in amount to the fee paid for this inspection. Please initial here
The Client(s), by signing below, agree to have read, understand and accept the terms of this contract.
Client( s )/Representative Signature______________________________________________________________________________
If Client(s) is (are) represented, please print name of representative_______________________________________________________
Inspector’s Name (Print) _________________________________________________________ Payment Form__________________
Base Fee $_______________________________
Other $_______________________________
Tax $_______________________________
Received By (Signature)___________________
Total Fee