Pricing & Quotes

Inspection Timings

9 AM, 2 PM& 6PM 7 Days a Week During Summer
9AM & 2PM 7 Days a Week During Winter

FEES. What does it cost?

Type of Home Fees (+ HST) (Subject to Change)
Single Family Homes less than 2,000 sq. ft. and less than 50 yrs of age $399
Single Family Homes less than 2,000 sq. ft. and 50 yrs of age or older $424
Single Family Homes between 2000 – 3999 sq. ft. and less than 50 yrs old Add $10 per 100 sq. ft. $399-$599
Single Family Homes between 2000 – 2999 sq. ft. and 50 yrs of age or older Add $10 per 100 sq. ft. $424-$624
High Rise Condominiums $339
Townhouse Condominiums $374
Single Item $199
Homes With Crawlspaces Add $50
Homes over 4,000 sq. ft., Multi Family Dwellings & Other Properties Including Commercial. Competitively priced, call for a quote.



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